Thursday, August 03, 2006


Hi Gang! Hey Welcome to my blog where I can rant and rave about stuff. This is called "Iraq the Real Deal". I did that because I am tired of idiots like Cindy Sheehan make an absolute mockery of her son's memory. He was a fine marine. He was also a volunteer, like myself. I was deployed to Iraq and I know what's going on. I will be in contact with people who are over there plus keeping an eye on the lying sacks of you know what better known as the media who are spreading lies and half truths. Anyhoo-here are the rules:
1. Feel free to write your opinion-even if it differs from mine. But keep it clean and respectable. No cussin' and no hatin'. If you put that garbage here I will delete it in a New York Minute.
2. Have enough intelligence and respect to research your information before you post and speak in plain terms. This is not a philosophy class. Also keep in mind that I am highly skeptical of anything that comes out of the mainstream media.
3. Don't try to offend me because a. I am in control of this blog and b. I am in control of this blog.
4. Please do not make this an advertising media unless you clear it through me. I am a business owner and if anyone is going to sell anything here, it's me.
5. If you want to have a two way conversation with another blogger, you may leave your e-mail address, but if you do, you do it at your own risk. I am not responsible in anyway for any grief, hate mail, or negative actions taken by someone else who reads or posts to this blog. You automatically accept these terms when you post a comment to this blog. Okay? Also if you want a two way discussion with someone, do it somewhere else, please.

Now that we got all that dry, administrative goop out of the way here is the topic: Iraq and why we are there. I will expound on this in my next posting. Stay Tuned!!


At 10:18 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey We're still here! Check out my new tv show on Fitchburg (Mass) Access Television! It's called Sharpening the Edge and it is going to be out of sight!!!

At 7:46 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Kendra, Don't let my posts make you sad! There is a tremendous amount of hope for millions of innocent Iraqi people courtesy of our Lord via the United States. For the first time in Iraq, young, pre-teen girls are allowed to beeducated, people have clean water, health care, and decent food to eat! And they are grateful to us. We went to that country to ensure that what happened to us on Spetember 11, 2001 would never happen to anyone else. Cindy Sheehan's son was a volunteer! We know that some missions are dangerous and deadly. God Bless those brave men and women who would put themselves in harm's way for the freedom of strangers and others that they will never meet. I spent a year away from my family to help those people, and they were actually happy and grateful to us! Happy not to live in fear anymore and striving to be like the rest of the world insomuch as living in a secure, free society. As far as my faith is concerned, I prayed and asked God to reveal to me the truth. He is in full control of this situation. Don't believe the media lies that tell you that going into Iraq was a mistake. It wasn't. We went to help those less fortunate than us. We never held the Iraqi people responsible for what Saddam himself and his regime did. I have had a long time to form my opinion and I still stand by what I said.
I respect what you are saying about forgiveness-I have nothing but compassion for Iraq and anyone who went there and did not return; but the truth of the matter is that God is just. He also gave explicit instructions about waging war in the Old Testament-He had entire tribes of people wiped out because they were disobedient. I understand in some form how Cindy Sheehan feels-I lost a dear family member while I was deployed. Cindy Sheehan's son would be ashamed of what she is doing if he were able to appear. But make no mistake I would not impugn the memory of my loved one so much that I have become a bitter, sad mouthpiece for a political party. Nor would I have squandered the insurance money to buy land near the President in order to protest the war. She has become a political tool.
Remember there is far more humanitatian aid going on in Iraq than fighting. You'll never hear that in the mainstream media because it supports the decision to go there. Talk to those who have been there, like myself. FInd out what it was really like. As a believer, I was more able to share Christian love to those people than I thought possible.
As far as freedom is concerned,
I fought for 20 years for people to maintain their right to speak their mind. I do not begrudge Ms. Sheehan that-but I will not stand for someone to criticize those who would risk their lives for the needy, the sick and opressed. It is not her right to try to prevent other mother's from going through what she went through because it is not her decision (nor is it even possible). My mother was extremely concerned about me going over but there wasn't anything she could have said or done to prevent it. Tell me what right does Cindy Sheehan have on grief? What makes her so much more important that all the other mothers, wives, and children that lost their father and mothers over there? What about Lori Ann Piestwa's kids? When I signed up for the military, I took responsibility for myself as a man. I took an oath that I would do my duty with loyalty and compassion for those who could not help themselves.
Ms. Sheehan's son died for a greater reason than himself-he made the ultimate sacrifice and he will have my undying respect. He served of his own choice Ms. Sheehan has to reconcile that for herself, not the politicians.
Finally, I appreciate your thoughts and feelings but let me leave you with this: You ask what would Jesus ask us to do? He asked me directly to go help those people and show them Christian love and compassion. Jesus pointed out what was wrong. This war (hardly a fitting term) has increased the security of the world and has sent a message to the enemies of freedom: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!! America, the strongest nation in the world will no longer sit idly by and allow this evil to continue. It is our repsonsibility put forth by God Himself and it is not something to be taken lightly.
Thanks for your post!!

At 7:58 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I just read that article from Harper's. Although the research seems impressive it is way too general and convoluted to be of any real use. It is very good commentary on many things but it is really confusing an already complex issue. Thanks. Also feel free to send me other articles.

At 7:14 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for the post Kendra. First, your are right-Jesus did not advocate war in the modern sense as we understand it-but he did whole heartedly advocate justice. And before we get into that-I need to address something very important. You said that nobody follows the Old Testament anymore-that it is used to excuse bad behavior. I must vehemently disagree. As a Christian, I believe the that the Bible is God's holy and perfect Word. Both the Old and New Testaments. I cannot dismiss the dynamic change when Christ came to Earth; he did not come to invalidate the Old Testament but to resolve it. You absolutely cannot dismiss the Old Testament for the New-both were written and inpsired by God's own Holy Spirit. Due to my current time contstraint, I will address more of what you wrote in my next post.

At 4:28 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Gang! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! I have been busy so I haven't fully responded to Kendra's last post.
My dear Kendra, you must stop listening to the media lies and listen to those with experience. And in all fairness to the issue of the educating of young Iraqi girls-yes some were educated-the wealthy or privileged were allowed to be educated but only very few. I am not sure what you looked up about that but take it from someone who lived there-most of them were not educated. Nuff said. The other important issue is that we did need to go to Iraq in order to ensure that what happened to us on 9/11 never happened again. And before you say that there was no evidence to justify it-there was and it was readily available to the general public! I won't bore you with those details, you can look those up but also keep in mind that from a military viewpoint, we could not tell the public everything we knew-that would have far greater consequences than most people realize. In fact, it was because of the free flowing of information that 9/11 was able to happen!
Please keep in mind I have no problem with anyone who opposes the war-just make your decision based on fact, not emotion. I wish there was an alternative to war-but the truth of the matter is that there is far more rebuilding and help the Iraqi people than there is fighting! You'll never hear that in the mainstream media-they are so hell bent on ruining the public opinion of the current administration that they are willing to endanger live to do it.
I am not saying we should not hold our public officials accountable-by all means we should regardless of what political party they belong to-I am saying that as a nation we must also hold the members of the media accountable in telling the objective truth. I have little respect for anyone who seeks to control public opinion for their own gain-that is wholly irresponsible. It now up to the individual to seek out the truth because our media is no longer objective-we must not aceept the status quo but rather validate it for the good of everyone.
Thanks, Kendra for your candor and honesty I appreciate it!!
Have a wonderful New Year! God Bless!

At 10:23 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

nd there. Depending on how things go, I may shut this one down and start a watchdog blog for the new administration. Hoo Boy wait til' you hear what I have got to say about that!! Stay tuned!

At 2:58 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Guys! Welcome to 2010! I am not monitoring this blog anymore but I will check it from time to time to see if there is any activity. When I can shut it down, I will. The problem is that I don't have the time to stay on top of it any more. If that changes I will let you know! Check my main website for the latest news and gigs!


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